Aldo Lopez Wants To Help Everyone Get Involved In The World Of Cryptocurrencies: Find Out How He Plans To Do This Soon

The world of economics has always been volatile by nature. It is in constant movement, and a decision can be worth everything for better or worse. Like everything in life, the world of economics has also been evolving.

Traditional currencies are now threatened by the advent of cryptocurrencies, which seem to have no limits because it often breaks its records of quotation. But it is very hard to understand the world of crypto, and that is when professionals like Aldo Lopez come in.

Many people have heard about the boom that cryptocurrencies have unleashed and as expected would like to participate in the benefits that they can bring. In this sense people require some basic knowledge about what they are, what they are for, how they are used, and among other things, how a cryptocurrency is created or obtained. 

Aldo Lopez also known as El Lobo del Network started in the business world at the age of 17. Today, he knows so much about crypto that he is starting a crowdfunding to be able to give education to others on this topic. 

Ten years ago I started in the digital business world as a NetWorker in MLM, where I have gone through five companies. In 4Life I was International Diamond, I was also International Director for INCRUISES and eight months ago I became President of Bydzyne. I have developed teams of more than 3,000 people on five continents and helped more than 10,000 families over the years to find their purpose for entrepreneurship.” Aldo shares.

After having traveled a long road full of knowledge and experiences, Aldo decided to create his newest venture in order to continue helping others attain the same knowledge he already has.

“I decided to invest in a crowdfunding for education in crypto-assets and generation of wealth in bitcoins where through a corporation of collective benefit, ordinary people without any knowledge and with very little capital can gain access to this global trend.” Aldo explains.

What has served as motivation and inspiration for Aldo is being able to help others and seeing that paper money as we know it today is going to disappear, he wanted to do something about it.

“I wanted to create a decentralized platform where everyone has access to crypto-assets, regardless of color, nationality or social status. The challenge will be huge, I aspire to impact a million people in the first year and thus be able to give access to new technologies to millions of people.” Aldo adds.

Aldo believes that he has no competition because there is nothing like what he is proposing. It would change many people’s lives.

As a leader, I am different because I was born into a family of atypical European migrants. My father was a revolutionary Gallego and my mother a seamstress Calabreza who met in the Caribbean in Panama and created a family of entrepreneurs and politicians from zero. I believe that this mixture founded in me a suggestive amalgam that made me what I am today.” He says.

Overall, Aldo bets on the education of the masses through technology because he believes that the main obstacle is the mediocrity of those who stand in our way and do not bring any value. 

I believe that the main obstacle has been the mediocrity of the mediocre, those beings who cross your life not to bring value but to destroy. That’s why I bet on education–it’s what will take us out of the darkness, not the education of the classrooms, I bet on the education of the masses through technology.” Aldo states.

Through years of experience, Aldo has learned to see fear as a feeling that can protect us in certain opportunities, but when it comes to the business world fear can turn into failure. This is why it is important to have a strong mindset. 

“Fear is that energy that makes you walk, fight and fight until you achieve a result. No matter if it is exactly what you thought or not, the important thing is to achieve something. Fear is my morning coffee.” He shares.

On the other hand, success is something that if not well managed can turn us into people who do not appreciate others. For many, success lies in having a large bank account, having material goods, or being famous. 

Success is the end of a stage. It is ephemeral. It is to reach the goal you set and start again. It is also the drug that brutalizes many, makes them arrogant and pretentious. The truth is that success for me is just a step on the great ladder of life.” Aldo explains.

At the moment, Aldo is focused on the creation of his crowdfunding, which will launch on April 16th. Learn more about this and more here.